Wani Act II Proposal ===================Introduction=================== As we've written more of the script, it's become more clear that the second half of the main document (henceforth referred to as "act 2") is far from ideal for the story to be effective. The arcade segment is fine as is, as is the chapter dealing with Iadakan's death. Of the chapters between ('sick', 'rain', 'wedding', and 'racketeering'), two chapters lack an important score point to inco or olivia, and the other two, while fine generally, have large segments that will need to be addressed. The things this overhaul of act 2 will address and fix include improving Liz's character and storyline, improving Iadakan's character and storyline, making the act more engaging to the reader, and prepare the cast for act 3, the endings. ==================Very brief synopsis============================ Put short, I am recommending the chapters be arranged as follows: Arcade, Sick, Wedding, Racketeering, Rain, New chapter with Liz, Iadakan death. After the arcade, Inco contracts some illness and remains home for several days. He's visited by Olivia, who discovers Inco's been unwittingly drugging himself with lean. She cooks for him, they spend some time together, she leaves. Once Inco gets back to school, Iadakan ropes him into an extra credit assignment assisting a wedding photoshoot. There, he competes with Ben and starts realizing his feelings for Olivia. He thinks to either focus on the task at hand or to go ask 'the others', meaning Ben and Damien. Either manages the situation well or doesn't, either way the photoshoot goes well. Shortly after, Inco discovers Olivia is being blackmailed by Mia over Inco's faked art contest submission. The chapter goes largely the same, up until the very end. Inco and Olivia stay until after school in Iadakan's room, after which the rainy weather turns too violent to let the two leave. The power goes out, and they take the oppurtunity to chat. Iadakan, knowing he's running out of time, and that he's waited too long to rectify the issue of Olivia's trauma around the first painting, decides to overcompensate for time lost. He doesn't want Olivia to have regrets over something he's partially responsible for, so he gets up and destroys both paintings using the cover of the power outage. This needs to be framed as not only the conclusion of the previous arc, but the beginning of a new one. After this, they discuss the promise made regarding the fountain. Consider Iadakan telling Olivia to go there and paint him a picture of what she sees. *The player needs to, at once, be incredibly attached to Iadakan as a character, and to be completely oblivious to his impending death.* After this, a completely new chapter, with a choice point for Inco. Inco, Olivia, and Damien are invited by Liz to a date at a fancy restaraunt, inspired by the Tower of the Americas in San Antonio. Her uncle has some business in the city and is able to bring her (and some friends) along. Liz had wanted this to be a double-date between her and Damien, and Inco and Olivia, however Damien is now out sick. Her plan fell through, but she's keeping positive, at least there's a good lunch ahead. Inco and Olivia ride the metro together, and meet Liz and Ferris in the city. Ferris lets the three go run off, and Liz leads them to their destination. The restaraunt is a tall tower, where the dining room floor makes one full rotation every hour, providing an excellent view of the surrounding city (no, we're not drawing this(unless someone really, really wants to)). Inco carries a bit of conversation, but Olivia's making it awkward, as she'd wanted to go to the fountain with their time, and is generally grumpy that they've been dragged to this dinner. Liz pretends not to notice, but the situation is really getting under her skin. Inco makes the situation worse in some way relevant to his issues. Liz ends up snapping at Olivia, who calmly retreats to the bathroom. Inco, seeing his way of thinking has directly caused someone harm, feels guilt. He can either double down and blame the others for reacting 'wrong', or do something to rectify the situation (note: an inco point can be subtracted from the racketeering one that gives a point to both inco and olivia, and placed here). Inco and Olivia go home after their 'date', whether it went well or not. Immediately after, the Iadakan death chapter takes place. ==================Characters=========================== -Inco Recently, I've written up a more precise analysis of Inco's character. Put extremely shortly, Inco is someone that was raised on the ideals of the state to be a loyal consumer rather than by his parents into being simply a good person. He needs to learn self-sufficiency and agency. In all of Inco's memories, a screen is present somewhere. He was scarcely left alone without a tv or ipad placed in front of him. Luckily, he doesn't have severe brain damage, but he does have a completely debased concept of family and friendship. What we need to show is his actions making a situation worse, and then being presented an oppurtunity to rectify it or double down once he feels guilt. While this alone doesn't typically happen irl, his love interest with Olivia is a curveball. By the end of this act, Inco needs to be completely aware of his faults and be well on his way into overcoming them and gaining agency and self-sufficiency(in a good route) or be completely oblivious to them to the point of doubling down (in a bad route). -Olivia Olivia needs to be granted a fresh start that can either be taken to a new heights in good endings, or completely wasted in bad ones. Insofar as this goes, her arc with Iadakan needs proper closure. -Iadakan As previously mentioned, Iadakan's arc needs to come to a close with some method that 'breaks the rules', going above and beyond to help Olivia in an overcompensative way because he knows he's running out of time. He grants Olivia a fresh start, and the player is led to believe the two will develop even further before the rug is pulled from them. Note: It is additionally of great significance that destroying both paintings forcefully is the last scene the player sees of him, to make as strong a sendoff as possible. -Liz Liz's character as of now is an incomplete one. She has the start of something interesting, but is never properly elaborated upon. In her introduction chapter, she's described as having attempted to befriend Olivia before in earnest and at some level of undisclosed personal expense (be it physical or just emotional), and was ignored. She tolerates Olivia, but is worried for Damien being dragged down by her behavior and generally dislikes how Olivia disregards the help of those around her. To her, it's selfish and taking what she has for granted at best, and at worst being a constant black hole of positivity, bringing everyone around her down(as seen in ending 1). With a new chapter focusing on her, we can take her arc further by having these feelings temporarily boil over after her efforts completely backfire on her. Damien is her link to Olivia, so by removing him we're able to shatter and/or build on their relation together into a new friendship. ============Conclusion================ This document hopefully provides a much clearer vision for act 2, and allows us to wrap up the script with haste. We are getting close to the home stretch, and these edits will allow us to elevate the script to be of even higher quality. I will be honest that I've been skeptical of the quality of the story and lacking deeper themes, and I believe these changes go a long way into rectifying that so wani is a worthwhile story to tell on every front. The writers are doing a great job, and we're getting close to wrapping up this chapter of development.